Philips 的 5.1 音效卡,Acoustic Edge 5.1-Channel Preview...


版主: DearHoney


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嗯,無意間看到這個新的Review,Philips第一次出的音效卡 Acoustic Edge 5.1 <br> 預定售價: $99 <br> 看Preview的內容評價很好,感覺很不錯,大家可以去看看,不知道DearHoney大大 <br> 有沒有什麼看法? <br> 貼一下它大概的Specs : <br> Audio Accelerator/Digital Signal Processor: <br> PHILIPS ThunderBird Avenger DSP for extreme hardware acceleration <br> Industry Specifications: <br> Exceeds PC98 & PC99 audio requirements <br> SNR > 92dB typical <br> Digital Acceleration: <br> 96 streams of 3D audio acceleration including position reverb <br> 256 streams of DirectSound accelerations and digital mixing <br> Full-duplex, 48khz digital recording and playback <br> 64 hardware sample rate conversion channels up to 48khz <br> Wavetable and FM Synthesis <br> Comprehensive Connectivity: <br> 5.1 (6 channel) channel analog output <br> Digital S/PDIF output (stereo, AC3 or DTS signal) <br> Digital S/PDIF input <br> MIDI in/Midi out/dual game port <br> Additional external inputs: Line in, Mic in <br> Additional internal inputs: CD in, Aux in,TAD in, S/PDIF in) <br> Special effects can be applied to any audio input including <br> conversion of stereo to quadraphonic or 5.1 output, QXpander,2D-to-3D remapping and reverb <br> Digital Signal Processor Algorithms: <br> QSound3DInteractive positional 3D for 2 speakers, 4 speakers or 5.1 speakers <br> QSound Multi Speaker System ?for quadraphonic or 5.1 channel output of stereo music, video and games <br> QSound Environmental Modeling for EAX and DirectSound3D games <br> QXpander and 2D to 3D re-mapping for 3D enhancement of stereo playback <br> QSurround virtual 5.1 playback of DVDs using 2 speakers Requires compatible soft-DVD player <br>

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Philips 原本是設計晶片,這個我們很早以前有報導過新聞(1999/11/03),然後最近才轉向出自己的音效卡。我看到的是,似乎沒有廠商對 Philips 的音效晶片有興趣,所以 Philips 乾脆自己來生產音效卡?當然我這樣的觀察不免太表面了啦.....

Creative 越玩越大,利潤應該也不錯,但是相對的其他廠商就玩得比較辛苦一點吧..... 還有幾個廠商撐得下去,值得觀察.....

規格上與 TB Santa Cruz 很像,主要差異在 3D HRTF 的來源不同。我自己是覺得 Sensaura 的比較好啦.....

如果 Philip 缺少一批強而有力的軟體工程師幫他撐驅動程式的維護,那會是很可怕的一件事情。