自己試著把24bit int packed格式的末4bit砍掉,結果左聲道就成了一堆雜音…
版主: DearHoney
剛剛再去翻了一下wave的格式定義(在The Programmer's File Format Collection這個站裡有),裡面有這麼一段:
剛剛再去翻了一下wave的格式定義(在The Programmer's File Format Collection這個站裡有),裡面有這麼一段:
以上應該已經回答了你所有的問題了~If your ADC produces a sample point from 9 to 16 bits wide, a sample point should be stored in a WAVE as a 16-bit word (ie, signed short). If your ADC produces a sample point from 17 to 24 bits wide, a sample point should be stored in a WAVE as three bytes. If your ADC produces a sample point from 25 to 32 bits wide, a sample point should be stored in a WAVE as a 32-bit doubleword (ie, signed long). Etc.