[簡介]foobar2000 --- 簡單且高品質的audio player


版主: DearHoney

文章: 15
註冊時間: 2003-11-09 14:25

文章 jackden »

Foobar v0.7.3出來嘍~

- added special check for id3 tags inside mp3 stream
- albumlist can now skip entire hierarchy level when there are no characters between separators
- various bugfixes
- entire SDK now verified compatible with MSVC7.1 (standard distributions still built with MSVC6 to avoid evil msvcrt71.dll dependency)
- improved masstagger's "guess values from filename", now accepts "%blah%/%bleh%/%meh%" for directory structure

"guess values from filename"可以連目錄也用來辨別了~

Download by
文章: 11
註冊時間: 2001-04-11 08:00

文章 saffeh »

ask 寫:
saffeh 寫:請問一下各位~~就是關於日文或韓文的歌曲~~如何在playlist裡正確顯示~~而非亂碼呢~~不知各位都是如何解決的呢~!!謝謝~~
不好意思~~請問要怎麼轉.... ?_? 煩請告知一下~~謝謝你了…
文章: 827
註冊時間: 2001-12-06 08:00
來自: RF雜訊事記

文章 JY »






文章: 2
註冊時間: 2003-11-13 14:58

文章 ★★★ »

文章: 15
註冊時間: 2003-11-09 14:25


文章 jackden »

★★★ 寫:為甚麼我的foobar只能播mp3檔?
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2003-11-13 14:58

Re: 什麼格式?

文章 ★★★ »

jackden 寫:
★★★ 寫:為甚麼我的foobar只能播mp3檔?
文章: 827
註冊時間: 2001-12-06 08:00
來自: RF雜訊事記

文章 JY »

請去把.7.3a special 抓起來...




文章: 145
註冊時間: 2003-04-12 03:44

文章 Stephen »

ra 和 wma 是real 和mircosoft的格式, 要支援也不是易事啊
aac, mpc, ogg才是王道, 你的real player 和media player能放嗎?....
文章: 17
註冊時間: 2003-09-30 23:14

文章 entersandman »

小弟我還是不太會設定foobar耶... :-.-:
DirectSound、 Kernel Streaming到底是何作用呢? 要在哪裡設定啊?

用foobar時都是顯示成unknown artist咧?

請多多指教 :-.-:

我使用的是foobar 7.3a special
音效卡是Audigy ES
喇叭 621
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2002-11-04 10:47


文章 RUMMY »


INFO (CORE) : startup time: 2984 ms
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_abx.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_albumlist.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_ape.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_cdda.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_console.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_diskwriter.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_extra.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_flac.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_input_std.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_masstag.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_mod.dll, reason: Unable to load dll.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_mp4.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_output_std.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_out_ks.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_read_inet.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_rgscan.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_spc.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_speex.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_stfu.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_tfmx.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.
ERROR (CORE) : Failed to load DLL: foo_unpack.dll, reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with outdated version of foobar2000 SDK and needs to be recompiled with newer version in order to load; please contact author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.