Z560 or 641 or creative MegaWorks 510D is better???


版主: DearHoney

文章: 13
註冊時間: 2002-02-16 08:00

文章 tootoo »

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by the way
what sound card r u using??
i am using sound audigy
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oh well, it's a pain tho. I am still using the good "OLD" sound card from Yamaha(ym744). But since no more driver supports to it for WinNT/XP. I am using two seperate 2.1 channels out to my Z560(with an A/V switch) because i don't play games that much, but am a music lover. Therefore i don't have much problems with 4.1 sound. But hope i can get a decent sound card like, Philips - Acoustic Edge, Hercules GS FIII 7.1 etc, which have better music handling quality.