有試過這外掛嗎(for winamp)??


版主: DearHoney

文章: 415
註冊時間: 2001-01-12 08:00
來自: Kao

文章 Shady »

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://home.kimo.com.tw/antony0102/dfx5_0007_wp.exe" TARGET="_blank">按這下載</A><!-- BBCode End -->

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文章: 128
註冊時間: 2001-02-20 08:00
來自: The 2nd Most Beautiful City in the World

文章 chucky717 »

我從 dfx 2.0 用到dfx 4.1...
還沒upgrade 到dfx 5.0 因為還沒有被破解 :P :P
是補足mp3在壓縮後高音部分和音場的缺陷, 讓聲音不會悶悶的...
也有增強環繞, 加強重低音的效果...
Oral copulation is fun B'cuz I like to be blown away
文章: 128
註冊時間: 2001-02-20 08:00
來自: The 2nd Most Beautiful City in the World

文章 chucky717 »

Harmonic Fidelity Restoration

DFX compensates for the loss of high frequency fidelity by carefully regenerating the missing high frequency harmonics in the audio. This harmonic restoration is performed using patent pending technology that carefully synthesizes high frequency harmonics to replace the harmonics lost during the encoding process.

You will be amazed how well the DFX is able to get rid of that "muffled" sound and brings new sparkle and life to your audio player.

Ambience Processing

DFX compensates for the reduced stereo imaging and depth of PC audio by carefully regenerating the ambience and stereo depth which was lost or diminished when the audio was encoded for Internet distribution. This same ambience processing has been used by Grammy winning engineers of artists such as Alanis Morisette and Ella Fitzgerald.

3D Surround Processing

With the Enhanced DFX system, powerful 3D Surround processing is included. 3D Surround adds amazing depth and body to the sound, making even small PC speaker systems sound larger and richer. With 3D Surround processing the sounds will surround you, virtually putting you inside the music.

DFX Dynamic Boost Control

Typical PC based multimedia playback systems and even home stereo playback systems suffer from limited dynamic range and headroom. DFX compensates for this limited headroom by carefully processing the audio to increase the perceived loudness of the audio without altering the perceived dynamic range. Your playback system will sound twice as loud without losing any punch on loud passages.

DFX performs all audio processing with 32 bit floating point precision, yielding truly professional audio quality. Since Internet audio playback systems currently only support 16 bit audio playback, as a final processing step DFX carefully re-dithers the audio signal to the final 16 bit resolution using Power Technology's proprietary high quality dithering technology. Re-dithering allows a dynamic range in the playback signal that actually exceeds the theoretical limit of a 16 bit playback system.

DFX HyperBass Control

Controls the amount of additional low frequency compensation for multimedia speaker systems to add deep, rich bass sound. Greatly improves the bass performance of any sound system.

from <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.fxsound.com/dfx-overview.html" TARGET="_blank">www.fxsound.com/dfx-overview.html</A><!-- BBCode End -->
Oral copulation is fun B'cuz I like to be blown away
文章: 112
註冊時間: 2001-01-15 08:00
來自: JWO Lab.

文章 Hideman »

