Fw:1998 印尼五月暴動


版主: DearHoney


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以下文章有某程度上的血腥,非開玩笑... <br> 不想看的請先離開....


''這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑.禱告.尋求我的面,轉進他們的惡行。我必 從 天 上垂聽,赦免他們的罪醫治他們的。''歷代志下,第七章,14節。


或許你不承認中華民國,但請你記得他們也是黃皮膚的人 .........


21 June, 1998. Jakarta, Indonesia

1998年6月21日,印尼雅加達 Dear friends,


Here I submit a victim's account of being raped during the May riots here in Jakarta. Reference to Huaran Bulletin Board June 12, 1998.


The purpose is to request your prayers for hundreds of similar victims.


My name is Vivian, and I am 18 years old. I have a little sister and brother. As a family we live in what is supposed to be a "secure" apartment.


At 9.15 am, May 14th, 1998 a huge crowd had gathered around our apartment. They screamed, "Let's butcher the Chinese!","Let's eat pigs!", "Let's have a party!" We live of the 7th floor and we got a call from a family on the 3rd floor saying that the crowd had reached the 2nd floor. They even chased some occupants upstairs. We were all very frightened. In our fright we prayed and left everything in God's hands.

(1998年5月14日上午9點15分,一群人闖進我們的公寓 他們喊著"我們要殺了華人!","我們把豬吃了!",我們住在 七樓,三樓的家人告訴我們那群人已經到了二樓,他們甚 至追著住戶上來,我們都被嚇壞了,只能在恐懼中祈禱,將 一切交給上帝)

Afterward we left our room and went upstairs to the top floor, as it was impossible to go downstairs and escape.We got to the 15th floor and stayed with some friends.Not long afterwards we were surprised because some of the crowd coming out of the elevators right before we entered the room. We hurried into the room and locked the door tightly. At that time we heard them knock at the other rooms loudly and there were some screams from women and girls.Our room was filled with fear.

(之後我們離開房間逃到頂樓,完全無法下樓逃走,我們和 一些朋友逃到15樓,沒有多久,在我們躲進房裡之前,那群 人就衝出電梯,我們趕快進入房裡鎖緊房門,只聽到門外 傳來踢門的聲音,以及一些婦女和女孩的尖叫聲,整個 房間充滿著恐懼)

We realized that they would come to us. So we spread

throughout the room hiding in the corners.We could hear girls of 10 to 12 years old screaming, "Mommy, ...mommy...mom...mom...it hurts" That time I didn't know that these little girls were being raped. After

about half an hour the noise diminished and we had some guts to go out and check. It was indescribable. A lot, some of them youg girls, were lying on the floor. "Oh my God, what has happened?" Seeing all of this we screemed and my little sister Fenny, screamed histerically and hugged her father.

(我們了解到他們遲早會進來,所以我們瑟縮的躲在牆角 我們聽到大約10到12歲的女孩的尖叫"媽...媽...媽....好 痛啊!"此時我還不知道她正被強暴,大約半小時後吵雜聲漸 漸弱了,我們比較不害怕了,於是出去檢查看看,我看到的 完全無法用言語描述,好多女人倒在地上,有的還只是小 孩子."我的天呀,到底發生了什麼事?"看到眼前可怖的景象 我們開始尖叫.我妹妹Fenny瘋狂的尖叫,緊抓著父親)

Tears started coming down from my eyes. With our friends, a newly-wed couple, we started going downstairs. Reaching the 10th floor, we heard a scream for help. The scream was very clear and we decided to go down and see. But as we turned we saw a lot of people. I saw a woman in her 20s being raped by 4 men. She tried to fight back but she was held down tightly.

(我開始哭了,和我一對剛結婚的朋友走下樓,到了十樓 聽到有人叫著救命,我們決定下去看看,但是我們看到 的是四個男人正在強姦一個二十多歲的女子,她奮力的 反抗卻被緊緊的壓住)

Realizing the danger we ran as hard as we could. But

unfortunately the mob caught Fenny. We tried torescue her,but could not do anything. There were about 60 of them. They tied us up with ripped sheets, myself, my father, my mother Fenny, Donny, Uncle Dodi and my Aunt Vera. They led us to a room. Unle Dodi asked what they wanted, but they did not reply.

(我們發現我們隨時會有危險,於是趕快跑回去但是暴民抓 住了Fenny,我們想要救她,卻沒有辦法,那群暴民大概有60 個人,他們用撕裂的床單綁住我,我爸爸,媽媽Fenny,Donny, Dodi叔叔和嬸嬸,把我們帶到房裡,Dodi叔叔問他們到底 要什麼,但是沒有人理他)

They looked evil and savage. One of them grabbed Fenny roughly and dragged her to a sofa. At that time I knew she was in great danger. I screamed loudly but one of the mob slapped me in my face. My father who also screamed was hit with a piece of wood and he fainted. My mother has fainted when Fenny was dragged to the sofa. I culd only pray and pray that disaster would not befall us.

(他們看起來邪惡又野蠻,其中一個粗魯地抓住Fenny, 她丟到沙發上,我馬上反應到她的危險,於是大叫, 但是一個暴民打了我一個耳光,我爸爸也被他們用木 棍打昏,我媽媽在Fenny被丟到沙發上時就昏倒了,我只 能祈禱,只能祈禱災難不要降臨)

Uncle Dodi kept trying to stop them by offering money. His efforts were fruitless. And in the end 5 people raped Fenny. Before beginning with the raping they always said "Allahu Akbar" (an islamic phrase in arabic meaning "God is great". They were ferocius and brutal.

(Dodi叔叔試著用錢讓他們不要施暴,但是沒有用,然後 有五個人強暴了Fenny,每個在強暴前都念著"Allahu Akbar"

是伊斯蘭教的短句阿拉伯話的意思是"偉大的神",他們 顯得殘暴而且像野獸一般)

Not long afterward, around 9 men came to the room and dragged me. I also saw them forcing and dragging my Aunt Vera. But at that time I passed out and everything went blank. I became conscious at around 5 or 6 pm. My head hurted and I realized I had no clothing on my body. Icried and realized my family was still there. My father was hugging my mother and little bother Doni. I also saw uncle Dodi lying on the floor and Aunt Vera was crying over his body. I felt so weak and fainted again.

(沒有多久,大概有九個人把我拖出去,我看到他們也把 Vera嬸嬸拖出來,但是我昏了過去,一切都變成空白 大約下午5點到6點的時候,我逐漸的恢復意識,我的頭 部受了傷,身上也一絲不掛,我哭了出來,並且發現我 的家人還在,我爸爸抱著我媽媽和弟弟,Dodi叔叔倒在 地上而Vera嬸嬸抱著他痛哭,我感到虛弱而又暈眩過去)

The next day I was in the Pluit hospital. My father and mother were beside me. With all the pains on my body I asked, "Mom, why Fenny. Mom?" I felt a stinging pain as I said these words. My cheeks were swollen. My mother cried again and couldn't speak any words, while my father, holding back his tears, managed to smile at me. After 4 days in treatment, my condition has improved. With a sad look, my father told me then what had happened. After I fainted 7 people raped me. At that time my father still couldn't see well after beling hit with a piece of wood. They raped me repeatedly. Then my father said "Vivian, Fenny is gone..."

(第二天我被送到Pluit醫院,我的爸媽在我身旁,我忍著痛 問他們"媽,Fenny呢?媽"說話讓我感到針刺般的痛苦,我 媽媽哭了起來,一句話都說不出來,我爸爸忍住淚水,對我 苦笑一下,四天之後,我的情況好了點,我的父親一臉傷悲 的告訴我,當時我昏迷了以後,有7個人強暴了我,我父親則 被亂棍毆打,那些暴民重複的強暴著我.媽媽在一旁傷心的 說"Vivian,Fenny死了...")

I was confused and cried out, "Why Dad?" My father couldn't answer. He told me to rest and went out of the room. I cried over and over again, feeling that my life had no meaning any more. A week ago, after I was released from the hospital I was told everything that had happend.

(我腦中一片混亂,哭了起來,"爸爸.為什麼?"我父親無法 回答我,他告訴我好好休息,走了出去,我不停的哭,我的人 生已經完全沒有任何意義了,一個星期過去了,在我出 院之後,才知道事情的整個經過)

When Fenny was raped she kept on fighting and so she

was repeatedly slapped by her rapists. The last time she fought Fenny spitted on one of them. Offended, the man grabbed a knife and stabbed Fenny's stomach over and over again.Finally she died with blood over her whole body.

(Fenny在被強暴的時候不停的反抗,於是那些暴民不斷 的打她,最後Fenny的反抗惹火了其中一個暴民,他抓起 一把刀子刺進Fenny的肚子,一次又一次的刺進刺出,最 後Fenny全身是血的死了)

My father told me that uncle Dodi had the same fate watched by aunt Vera who was also raped. "God...why should all of this happen? Where are you God? Are you still alive?"My aunt Vera now stays with her parents. She is in shock. Her face is blank and refuses to eat. Almost every hour my mother and I cry over all these happenings. I can

never forget. These mobs of people are uncivilized monsters." (父親告訴我,Dodi叔叔也看著自己的太太被強暴,"天呀! 為什麼會發生這種事?神在哪裡?祂還活著嗎?"我嬸嬸 Vera現在和他的父母住在一起,她受到嚴重的驚嚇, 她的臉上沒有血色而且拒絕進食,我和媽媽無時無刻 因為這場惡夢而哭泣,我永遠忘不了,那些暴民就像是 沒有進化的怪獸)

Additional comments from Bill Hekman:

(以下是Bill Hekman的附註)

This is one of many victims. Hundreds of women and children were raped, mutilated and killed by muslim mobs. Some had their vaginas ripped apart, their bodies cut into pieces.

(這只是很多的犧牲者中的一個,有數百位婦女與小孩 被回教暴徒強暴,斬斷手腳,殺害,她們的的陰道被撕裂 ,身體被砍成好幾段)

Over 5000 of the Chinese Indonesian's shops were looted and burned down. A few days ago anther 63 shops were burned in Tegal, Central Java. The city of Solo is burned down. There is no protection and no justice in this country any more.

(超過5000家以上的印尼華人的商店被掠奪和焚燒, 幾天前在爪哇的Tegal,另外63家商店被放火燒掉,印尼 現在完全沒有保障,正義蕩然無存)

Yesterday I was in the Kelapa Gading area and that area was spared from destruction. The police and military had guarded all the entry roads. The people there had collected large sums of money from door to door and paid for their protection.

(昨天我在Kelapa Gading區,那裡目前還沒有被破壞,警察 和軍隊在所有路口警戒,那裡的人們集合了一大筆錢來 支付這些保護)

A similar situation took place in the Pondok Indah area.For the people who cannot pay millions to the armed forces there is no protection. Right now the hunderds of thousands of thugs, robbers, rapist, and killers live all around us. They are our neighbors. There is no punishment for the criminals and no justice for the victims. Yet, all Indonesians call themselves believers in God almighty. What a hipocracy. Shouting "God is great"when raping women andchildren is a blasphemy against a Holy God.

(在Pondok Indah區也是同樣的情況,拿不出錢的人就完全 沒有任何保障,現在有成千上萬的回教刺客,強盜,強暴者和 殺人魔住在我們的四周,他們是我們的鄰居,對於罪犯沒有 處罰,對於受害者也沒有公理,但是,所有的印尼人呼喚著 他們所信仰的"全能的神:",太諷刺了.在強暴婦女和小孩時 呼喊偉大的神,這是對神聖上帝的冒瀆)

Pray that God will annoint His preachers and missionaries throughout this nation with the power of the Holy Spirit to preach the message of repentance. God's word in 2 Chronicles7:14 needs to be proclaimed boldly. There is no room for preachers filled with fear who think of evacuation and other selfish plans. Pray for Revival in all our churches.

(祈禱上帝在這個國家中為祂的子民塗上油膏,用神聖的 力量傳遞悔改的訊息,舊約聖經歷代志第7章第14節應該 被顯明的宣告,

There is no room for preachers filled with fear who thinkof evacuation and other selfish plans.

(這一句在下翻不出來適切的字句,望有能者補上) 願我們的聖殿皆能復興

Some Christians are putting signs on their shops "Owned by Muslim". May God forgive them. Healing of this nation filled with crime and unjustice is bringing God's judgement and punishment. Healing and Salvation can only come with a nasional repentance at all levels in the government, armed forces and society. Then we need to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the One and Only

Savior.No one will ever receive forgiveness and see heaven except through God's appointed Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for standing with us now. God bless you.

(有的天主教徒的商店被貼上"回教徒所有"的標語,願 上帝寬恕他們,用上帝的審判與懲罰來醫治這個充滿 罪惡與不義的國度,唯有整個國家-各級政府,軍隊和社會 -的悔改才能停止傷痛,我們要傳播基督的福音,基督是唯 一的救贖者,唯有通過祂才能得到寬恕,才得見天堂,謝謝 您與我們同在,願上帝保佑您.)

In His grace,



This came in from friends in Jakarta..please read on and say a prayer for these victims.


Dear Friends,


Two nights ago, I heard on the BBC the report of hundreds if not thousands of Chinese women experiencing trauma from the atrocities done to them mid-May, particularly in Jakarta. I was very disturbed,and angry for the lack of justice even now.

(兩個晚上前,我從BBC聽到印尼華人所受到的性暴力,甚 至就在大街上遭到侵犯,特別在雅加達,我感到混亂,並且對 正義的蕩然無存感到憤怒)

Just now, I received the email below and I thought I

would circulate it around to friends on my personal email list. This is for your prayer. If you can do something about it, even better.

(我收到了下面的E-MAIL我想我可以把它寄給我的朋友, 如果您願意付出關懷,甚至做個更多,在此我為您祈禱)

Rodney Hui Subject: Fw: "Yellow Ribbon" Campaign Dear friends,

(親愛的朋友) Please forward this "Yellow Ribbon" to all friends around the world to show our soladirity and sympathy for the victims of the riots and chaos in Indonesia last May 13-15. Many Chinese Indonesian citizens were abused, tortured and killed. Their houses and stores were looted and burnt. Hundreds of Chinese Indonesian girls/women (aged 10-55) were sexually harassed and gang raped brutally. Some victims were even raped in front of their family members or in front of inhuman cheering crowd.

(請將這封"黃絲帶"的信件寄給您的朋友,來表示我們對於 在五月13-15日於印尼暴動中受害的犧牲者一體感與同情 許多華裔的印尼公民被強暴,凌虐,殺害.他們的房子和商店 被搶劫和焚燒,有的受害者就在家人與一群沒有人性 還歡呼的群眾面前被輪暴)

Some of them were even thrown into the fire and burnt to death after being raped. Yet, not many actions seem to have been taken to investigate all this or to help the victims. And not very many people seem to know or care about what happened. Please help to spread the news and let the world know.

(其中有些人在被強暴之後,還被丟入火中焚燒至死,但是,並沒有許多調查或協助的行動在進行,而且也還沒有很多人關 心或是知道這些事情,請協助散佈這些消息,讓國際間知道 這些事)

We need help to get more international attention to help Chinese Indonesians, who are now living in fear in Indonesia. Please pass this ribbon around as the symbol of campaign against human rights violations, injustice, and racism towards Chinese Indonesians.

(我們需要引起國際間的重視,以便幫助目前生活在恐懼中 的印尼華人,請將絲帶作為反對加諸於印尼華人的暴力, 不正義以及種族主義的標誌)

Show that we care and may God help us!

(告訴世人我們關心,願上帝賜與我們力量) <br>

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這文章令我很震撼,只是對其真實性還有待考量 <br> DH站長若覺得不妥就請刪除

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我記得還有照片的... 看到那個更慘. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/eh.gif" width=15 height=22>

ASKA 兄怎麼會想到挖這段慘事出來?

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這篇真的有點久了... <br> 我比較不解的是.. <br> 發生這種事.. <br> 那裡的華人或是..有可能被影響的.. <br> 為什麼不離開那裡??

是有一種說法..那裡的華橋本身就很惡劣.. <br> 不過.不管如何..一個不善的地方..就算根是在那裡..有必要繼續留在那裡嗎?是希望以已之力去改善它??還是?????? <br>

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朋友轉寄的... <br> 我還不知道原來這麼不人道.. <br> 那時還有同學在那邊工作.....

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沒有關係,我想這邊的尺度還很寬..... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/smile.gif" width=15 height=15>

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人類絕對是地球上最殘暴的生物. 隱藏在自己體內的惡魔, 一但被釋放, 行為舉止絕對超乎想像, 也無須以任何理由解釋

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當獸性衝破理性的束縛後,人還是人嗎? <br> 看著至親之人被輪姦最後終至死亡,還有什麼事能比這更慘了...