

版主: DearHoney


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歌名: <br> God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen

歌詞: <br> God rest you merry, gentlemen, <br> Let nothing you dismay, <br> Remember Christ our Savior <br> Was born on Christmas day, <br> To save us all from Satan's pow'r <br> When we were gone astray;

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

From God our heavenly Father <br> A blessed angel came. <br> And unto certain shepherds <br> Brought tidings of the same, <br> How that in Bethlehem was born <br> The Son of God by name:

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

"Fear not," then said the angel, <br> "Let nothing you affright, <br> This day is born a Savior, <br> Of virtue, power, and might; <br> So frequently to vanquish all <br> The friends of Satan quite";

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

The shepherds at those tidings <br> Rejoiced much in mind, <br> And left their flocks a-feeding, <br> In tempest, storm, and wind, <br> And went to Bethlehem straightway <br> This blessed babe to find:

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

But when to Bethlehem they came, <br> Whereat this infant lay <br> They found him in a manger, <br> Where oxen feed on hay; <br> His mother Mary kneeling, <br> Unto the Lord did pray:

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

Now to the Lord sing praises, <br> All you within this place, <br> And with true love and brotherhood <br> Each other now embrace; <br> This holy tide of Christmas <br> All others doth deface:

O tidings of comfort and joy, <br> Comfort and joy, <br> O tidings of comfort and joy.

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看到『返老還童』,大家想的都是一些知名老女人,結果廣告出來,是 14 歲的王瞳。天啊!誰猜得到啊!

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黃河南那個喜歡老牛吃嫩草, 自命風流的老傢伙... <br> 真是夠了. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/eh.gif" width=15 height=22>

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請各位消消火.... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/tongue.gif" width=15 height=15>

這個爛廣告的唯一優點就是讓大家聽到了一首好歌... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/ ... iggrin.gif" width=15 height=15>

之前看到有人丟了MP3在網站上, <br> 忘了是那個站了... <br> 可先在這下載試聽: <br> http://home.pchome.com.tw/cool/jjaskywa ... _Merry.mp3 <br> 等我找到原出處再補上。 <br> <!--Edit-->

<font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 12-20-2000 12:48 AM 被 JJA 編輯過]</font><br><!--EditEnd-->

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這原曲是古典樂嘛... 曲目名稱我忘了... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/eh.gif" width=15 height=22> <br> 我不看電視所以從沒看過這支廣告.

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那個爛廣告,還有那個爛公司(騙女人的錢),帶來很多負面社會效應 <br> 而且找來那麼小的女生來代言??分明不是也說............ <br> "從小就要保持好身材?" 那些國中女生看了之後有什麼感想?? <br> 給人灌輸不良的審美觀 還有價值觀

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阿∼ <br> 這首歌在瑪莉亞凱莉多年前的聖誕專輯最後一首出現 <br> 在「情比姊妹深」這部電影裡,兩位女主角一起唱過 <br> (其中一位還會唱希伯來版) <br> 這首應該是猶太教歌曲吧 <br> 不然是天主教 <br> 不然...基督教? <br>

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說到廣告配樂~~ <br> 昨天丟了兩首mp3到LukeLo那邊 <br> 分別是Innocent voice和Adimas(好像有拼錯) <br> 前者幾乎每個人都聽過(TVBS.九族文化村用) <br> 後只好像是三菱的廣告在用的樣子


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這首是Angel Voice Ⅲ中第七首曲目。

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聽聽看夏綠蒂最新專輯-美夢天使中的版本, 也不錯喲!