

版主: DearHoney


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I think you cannot copy DVD to MD via digital input because of SCMS (Serial Copy Management System). DVD is set to copy prohibited.

This information about SCMS is from

SCMS stands for "Serial Copy Management System" and is the way copies of digital music are regulated in the consumer market. It is information that is added to the stream of data that contains the music when one makes a digital copy (a "clone"). When making an analog copy only the music is transferred so there is no SCMS, and copying is totally unrestricted. Decks considered "professional" -- usually more expensive and with pro features, such as balanced XLR input/output -- are exempt from needing SCMS. Different manufacturers' pro decks behave differently: some allow one to set the SCMS code how one wishes, some only if the pro i/o is used, and some ignore it completely.

SCMS Bit Definitions: <br> <br> Bits Meaning Explanation <br> ---- ------------ ---------------------------- <br> 00 Permitted No restrictions at all <br> 11 Restricted Allow 1 generation <br> 10 Prohibited Do not allow copies <br> <br> <br> SCMS Operation on consumer decks: <br> <br> Source Recorded on copy <br> -------------- -------------------------------- <br> Analog input 11 <br> CD 10 <br> Digital, 00 11 or 00 (depending on model) <br> Digital, 11 10 <br> Digital, 10 Will not record <br>

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To 豬哥:


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希望那天SONY大發慈悲 <br> 把MD DATA2拿來錄PCM或DTS.... <br> SHARP的GB級MD也快點出來吧!

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再好的媒體還是會卡死在SCMS保護上! 別忘了DAT 就是被這些唱片公司玩死的... MD 早期也是被惡搞, 不然早就一統天下了... 任何新的記錄媒體出現, 唱片電影業這些既得利益者無不視為檔財路的蛇蠍大力封殺, 待拖上幾年後再加上重重限制, 弄個半死不活的放行... 試想 DVD 有多少方便使用者的原始設計反過來被八大拿來剝削消費者?

網路上可以找到 MD 改機破 SCMS 的方法, 不過只有特定機種, 日本也出過 SCMS 解碼器, 效果聽說不錯, 但是國內似乎沒有管道可以取得, 知道的人麻煩小聲的通知一聲.... <br>

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If you are interested in DIY, here is a url

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to Ian:

MD 會出現 can't copy 就是 SCMS 搞的鬼, 在沒砍掉 SCMS 的情況下想錄 DVD 的聲音只能透過 analog 方式, 或者利用軟體將 DVD 解到硬碟中...

P.S. 業者曾經打算在類比錄音系統(也就是你我常用的卡帶等等任何能錄音的東西)上也加上防拷, 不過惹得群情激憤才做罷! 只可惜到了 DVD 時代, 沒有再來那麼一次大團結... <img src="" width=15 height=15> <br>

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to ke:

那篇資料看好久了, 只是有些零件取得不易, 最近也沒時間(懶?!)動手... <img src="" width=15 height=15> <br> 不過還是謝啦! 有興趣的人不妨去看看... <br> <!--Edit-->

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