Winamp 的 DFX plug-in


版主: DearHoney


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之前好像有人介紹? <br> 做 DSP FX 效果器的那間公司出的。

DFX (TM) is designed to dramatically enhance the <br> listening experience for users of Internet audio <br> formats such as MP3, and Microsoft's Windows Media <br> streaming format.

<font color="#FF0000">DFX is the first plug-in to make truly professional <br> quality audio processing available to Internet audio <br> users.</font> DFX was developed by Power Technology, a <br> company with vast experience in DSP based audio <br> processing. Power Technology's professional audio <br> products have won multiple awards from leading <br> professional audio publications, and this high level <br> of audio algorithm expertise was used to create the <br> patent pending DFX plug-in.

DFX enhances Internet oriented audio listening <br> experiences <font color="#FF0000">by correcting</font> for the sonic limitations <br> of all the popular data compressed Internet audio <br> formats. Data compressed audio suffers from two <br> major problems: <font color="#FF0000">loss of high frequency fidelity</font> <br> and <font color="#FF0000">loss of stereo separation and depth</font>.

DFX compensates for the loss of high frequency <br> fidelity by carefully regenerating the missing high <br> frequency harmonics in the audio. DFX then compensates <br> for the reduced stereo imaging and depth by carefully <br> generating ambience and stereo depth.

An additional factor limiting the quality of Internet <br> audio playback is the use of speakers that are <br> narrowly spaced and located close to the listener's <br> ears. These location constraints reduce the perceived <br> stereo field and reduces the natural room ambience <br> which is important to good sounding audio. <br> <br> In addition to compensating for reduced stereo depth <br> in the audio source, DFX's added ambience and imaging <br> works particularly well in correcting for these <br> limitations of closely spaced and located speakers.

Typical PC based multimedia playback systems and even <br> home stereo playback systems also suffer from limited <br> dynamic range and headroom. <font color="#FF0000">DFX compensates for this <br> limited headroom by carefully processing the audio to <br> increase the perceived loudness of the audio without <br> altering the perceived dynamic range.</font> This can <br> dramatically increase the undistorted playback level <br> available when listening to MP3 and and other streaming <br> audio files.

<font color="#FF0000">DFX performs all audio processing with 32 bit floating <br> point precision, yielding truly professional audio <br> quality. Since Internet audio playback systems <br> currently only support 16 bit audio playback, as a <br> final processing step DFX carefully re-dithers the <br> audio signal to the final 16 bit resolution using <br> Power Technology's proprietary high quality dithering <br> technology. Re-dithering allows a dynamic range in <br> the playback signal that actually exceeds the <br> theoretical limit of a 16 bit playback system.</font>

有 for Winamp,Sonique,RealNetworks 三種版本可以下載 <br> <font color="#F7F7F7"></font> <br> <font color="#F7F7F7"></font> <br> <font color="#F7F7F7"></font>

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其實還是補得有些過份,和原來的音色已經不一樣了,不過他的預設值真的設得蠻好的,聽起來還不錯... <br> 不能在 sf or cake 底下用耶,不過可以改用同一間公司出的 DirectX 效果器,DSP FX,記得我跟您提過的某個 plug-in 的網站嗎 <img src="" width=15 height=15> <br> DSP FX 的種類更多,參數的可調性更大,但是我用 DSP FX 都調不出和 DFX 一樣的效果,果然功力就是有差 T_T

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我還在玩Cakewalk AudioFX3 <img src=" ... edface.gif" width=15 height=15>

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小弟對Cakewalk FX 1, 2, 3 蠻有興趣的,想找來用用看,KorgX2 <br> 兄能幫忙一下嗎?

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Luke = 鹿 = 鹹蛋超人?? <img src=" ... iggrin.gif" width=15 height=15>

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要是早一點註冊的話我就是Luke了..... <br> 總算遇到Luke本尊了,您好啊!!

我不姓鹿........ <img src="" width=15 height=22> <br>

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To Luke <br> 當然是可以,但是再確認一下您的身分:Luke = 鹿?

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