

版主: DearHoney


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A3D is one of the technology for 3D positioning of audio on PC. this technology is not for game only. One possible use of A3D on PC is a virtual reality chat room. you can identify different people by their spatial positions. <br> In U.S., NASA and Department of Defense have sponsored 3D positioning of audio research for various purposes. Check this NASA website for one possible application of 3D positioning of audio.

A3D 是一種 PC 上的 3D 音效定位技術,這種技術並不是只能拿來玩遊戲。其中一種可行的應用是「虛擬聊天室」,您可以透過聆聽時的空間感,辨認不同的人。在美國,美國太空總署和國防部曾為了許多可能用途,資助 3D 聲音定位方面的研究。您可以到<a href="http://technology.nasa.gov/scripts/nls_ ... 太空總署的網頁</a>,來看看其中一項應用。

Don't limit a technology's application to only these things you can see on a PC now.


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Thanks to jedy, I just realized a huge conspiracy: One speaker is enough to reproduce the sound heard by human. The speaker manufactures have led us to believe that we need two speakers, so they can double their sales. Let’s return the extra useless speaker to the stores. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/smile.gif" width=15 height=15>

多謝 jedy 讓我領悟了一個毒辣的陰謀:一顆喇叭就已經可以重現人類聽到的聲音,喇叭製造商讓我們相信我們需要一對喇叭,是因為這樣可以倍增他們的業績。讓我們去商店退回那個多而無用的喇叭吧! <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/smile.gif" width=15 height=15>

Ok, I am just joking. However, the problem here is that everybody has his/her own needs for the audio components in his/her computer. If something is needed by this individual, then it is useful (to this individual), otherwise it is useless. Based on jedy’s needs, A3D is for gaming only and useless. But what kind of universal statement can be drawn from one individual observation. Put it in another way, can we infer the whole population from one single datum?

這只是個玩笑罷了。現在的問題是,每個人對其電腦音響裝置,都有其特殊需求,如果某樣東西符合某人的需求,對其而言就是有用的,不然就如同廢物一般,就 jedy 的需求來說,A3D 只能用來玩遊戲,永遠用不到。一個單一、個別的觀察要如何推導普遍性敘述呢?換言之,我們如何能從一個個人來推論人類全體?

Computer games usually are the first adopter of cutting-edge (or as somebody would call it, bleeding-edge) audio or video technologies. The game designers need to use these cutting-edge technologies to satisfy the increasing expectation of customers. Nevertheless, this does not mean those technologies can only be used in games. 3-D graphics is a good example. It was first made popular in PC because of games. Did this mean 3-D graphics was for games only and it was useless if you did not play games? Later business applications also embraced 3-D graphic in presentations.

電腦遊戲經常是第一個影音科技刀鋒邊緣的受試品(有人可能會說,是淌血邊緣),遊戲設計者們要採用這些新銳科技,以滿足消費者們越來越高的需求;然而,這並不意味著這些科技僅僅能運用在遊戲上,3D 繪圖技術就是絕佳的例子。它是第一個因為電腦遊戲而竄紅的技術,但這代表 3D 繪圖是為電腦遊戲量身定作,您不玩遊戲它就英雄無用武之地?隨後的商業應用亦表現擁抱 3D 繪圖技巧的趨勢。

I assume most people in the forum haven’t had the experience of conversation in a multi-part audio conference. It is very hard to distinguish who is talking when people talks simultaneously. According to NASA, there is a 7 db gain in channel separation in their six-channel fixed-position encoding chip. That will be useful for a lot of people have to make audio conference calls. And I haven’t mentioned the theoretical aspect like social presence theory yet.

我猜這個討論區裡大多數的人,都沒有使用過多方通話進行會議的經驗,當大夥兒同時講話時,很難分出來是誰在講啥。根據美國太空總署的說法,他們的六聲道定位晶片中,每個分離的聲道都有 7db 的增益(哈哈,我直譯的,搞不懂說),這對一卡車人必須使用電話多方會談的情況有很大的幫助。我甚至還沒提到像是「社會呈現理論」 <br> 這樣的理論性觀點呢! <br> <!--Edit-->

<font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 06:43 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 06:44 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 07:02 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 07:03 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 07:05 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-30-2000 07:32 AM 被 qt 編輯過]</font><br><!--EditEnd-->

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還請 ke 大大解釋一下 social presence theory.. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/ ... iggrin.gif" width=15 height=15>

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不玩遊戲的話,A3D等於廢物; <br> 不看 DVD 的話,AC-3 等於廢物; <br> 不聽音響的話,喇叭線就等於廢物;

那是不是不讀書的話,腦子就等於廢物..... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/ ... nfused.gif" width=15 height=22> <br>

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Win 9X 下可以打出多國的文字喔,我用中文的Window可以打出西文,葡萄牙文 (看跟寫都沒有問題)

您只要在『控制台』→『鍵盤』→『語系』→『新增』→你想要的。 <br> 在右下角語系切換時就會多一個新的選項,要試看能不能寫新的字母 <br> 時記的不要用NotePad來試,因為它不支援多國語言,請用小作家或是Word來試。

我用過Win 98 & Win 98 SE 都沒有問題,Win 95 的話應該也沒有問題 <br> ,應該這個方法我是在MS裡找到的,該文是寫給Win 95 的,所以說囉。

如果您想用Netscape下看多國語言的話,我想您不用費心找答案了,因為當初我就是在Netcenter裡到處找看有沒有辦法看多國語言,但是所有的答案都是指向MS的Explorer,我就是這樣放棄的Netscape。 <br> (當時兩大遊覽軟體是五五波)


Ps : 我沒有用過英文的window所以不確定是否能打出中文。 <br> 不過我在英文的Window NT 5 Beta 上打出中文,西文和葡文,方法我忘了NT 5 應該就是現在的Window 2000 。



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Thanks for the translation, qt.

Social presence theory: An effective communication medium should make people feel they are communicating with real people rather than with a machine. The medium should make people's presence real. In the case of 3-D positional audio, you can feel people's relative position to you. This will add realism to the conversation.

To quaker_jou <br> There is no Chinese under "language" in the keyboard control panel. Actually, there is no double-byte encoded language there. IE5 comes with Chinese IME, but it does not function correctly on my computer. I will check if there is anything interfering with Chinese IME. <br>

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to Ke

你的問題, 我在學校也遇到過 => I live in Canada by the way

English IE5 的中文<b>輸入</b>跟<b>轉譯</b>, 有時可以, 有時則不行..... 亂碼.... <font color=red>鳥蛋</font>

其他國的字型都裝的話, 它還會搞混..... 我之前在學校用 Win95 + IE5 來這, 我的系統有裝日文跟韓文支援, 有時竟給我顯示日文~~~~~ 昏倒

根本之道, 是想辦法弄份中文 Windows <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/tongue.gif" width=15 height=15>