

版主: DearHoney


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Thanks to jedy, I just realized a huge conspiracy: One speaker is enough to reproduce the sound heard by human. The speaker manufactures have led us to believe that we need two speakers, so they can double their sales. Let’s return the extra useless speaker to the stores. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/wink.gif" width=15 height=15>

Ok, I am just joking. However, the problem here is that everybody has his/her own needs for the audio components in his/her computer. If something is needed by this individual, then it is useful (to this individual), otherwise it is useless. Based on jedy’s needs, A3D is for gaming only and useless. But what kind of universal statement can be drawn from one individual observation. Put it in another way, can we infer the whole population from one single datum?

Computer games usually are the first adopter of cutting-edge (or as somebody would call it, bleeding-edge) audio or video technologies. The game designers need to use these cutting-edge technologies to satisfy the increasing expectation of customers. Nevertheless, this does not mean those technologies can only be used in games. 3-D graphics is a good example. It was first made popular in PC because of games. Did this mean 3-D graphics was for games only and it was useless if you did not play games? Later business applications also embraced 3-D graphic in presentations.

I assume most people in the forum haven’t had the experience of conversation in a multi-part audio conference. It is very hard to distinguish who is talking when people talks simultaneously. According to NASA, there is a 7 db gain in channel separation in their six-channel fixed-position encoding chip. That will be useful for a lot of people have to make audio conference calls. And I haven’t mentioned the theoretical aspect like social presence theory yet. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/smile.gif" width=15 height=15> <br> <!--Edit-->

<font size=1 color="#000080">[此文章於 09-29-2000 05:56 AM 被 ke 編輯過]</font><br><!--EditEnd-->

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像我...完全看不懂ke所打的.... <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/eek.gif" width=15 height=15>

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Sorry, please bear with me because I can see Chinese but can't type Chinese on my computer as I don't have Chinese Windows. <br> I have tried NJ Star and Microsoft Chinese IME, but they can't produce correct Chinese charater on my computer.

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ㄟ..關於這個問題.. <br> 我曾在Cwin95上按裝IE5.0 然後有按裝IE5.0內付的 日文輸入法 <br> 然後就可以輸入日文了...(只限於瀏覽器內或Outlook Express) <br> 看起來 IE5很像是win2k 進入"支援多國語言"的踏腳石.. <br> 但我不確定 英文版win98 加 IE5..能不能按裝中文輸入法.. <br> 試看看吧 <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/smile.gif" width=15 height=15>

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To Galahad <br> Thanks for the suggestion. I am using Windows 98SE + IE 5.01 with Chinese IME. I can get the Chinese input metdod running, but all the Chinese characters are incorrect when they get into IE. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/frown.gif" width=15 height=15>

To waterno <br> Yes, I am in the U.S.A. The town is very close to Newark and New York City.

I did bring a copy of Chinese Windows when I went to U.S. The version number is 3.1. I think people can understand why I do not use it anymore. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/icons/wink.gif" width=15 height=15> <br> It is off-topic. I will stop here.

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不好意思, ke 和 DH ,我翻譯一下 ke 的原文,希望沒有冒犯。

還有 ke,我猜您去美國也有 5 年左右了,不過現在 Windows 2000 出了 Multi-Language 版,相信對您很有幫助.. <img src="http://www.dearhoney.idv.tw/UBB/NonCGI/ ... iggrin.gif" width=15 height=15>