make a short question for the experts, what if I wanna pc to transfer a *,vai or *.dat *.mpeg4 file (movie file on cd) into a *wav or *.mp3 file, could any software be able to do this instead to use a core.
thanks in advance
請教,有人知道如何把 avi 或 dat 影片檔 直接轉檔成 mp3或wav檔嗎?
版主: DearHoney
用VirtualDubMod或是其它有相同功能的軟體把audio stream 擷取出來存成PCM檔案即可。
E-MU 1212M / M-Audio Revolution 7.1 / Creative Sound Blaster Live! with kX project driver(recommended for music listening) ->
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
VirtualDubMod is released under GPL license, so it's free to use, copy, and modify the source code as long as you keep the source code publicly available.
VirtualDubMod is released under GPL license, so it's free to use, copy, and modify the source code as long as you keep the source code publicly available.
E-MU 1212M / M-Audio Revolution 7.1 / Creative Sound Blaster Live! with kX project driver(recommended for music listening) ->
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
streams -> stream list -> [save WAV] or [Demux],視需求而定。
E-MU 1212M / M-Audio Revolution 7.1 / Creative Sound Blaster Live! with kX project driver(recommended for music listening) ->
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
There are some tutorials about video/audio editing, transcoding, processing, compression, conversion and,
I guess they may be useful to you.
I guess they may be useful to you.
E-MU 1212M / M-Audio Revolution 7.1 / Creative Sound Blaster Live! with kX project driver(recommended for music listening) ->
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)
LC-iCute搭棚版 -> AKG K240M(改)