有關RioVolt 2(imp-250)的消息 bad.....
版主: DearHoney
To the most valuable Customers:
Thanks for your interest in our products.
We are building overseas sales channels (iRiver Brand Name) right
now. We are NOT selling our products only. We sell our service
and customers' satisfaction to serve you well and let you utilize
our iMPs well. Therefore, it will take some time. We
will let you know through our homepage when it is ready.
Visit : http://www.iriver.com (Choose English above the page)
What we are going to do:
1. Sales Channels to approach you closely.
2. Technical Center
3. iMP Community where you can share information and advise to
iRiver directly.
To purchase our iMP-Series outside Korea, please follow the below
1. RioVolt Series(from SonicBlue) are all ODM products from iRiver.
So, you can enjoy the same pleasure and quality from RioVolt Series.
Especially in US/Canada, Japan and EU, please visit RioVolt BuyCenter
to get the brand-new RioVolt. It will be
more economic and convenient for you NOW.
Visit : http://www.riohome.com
There are on-line and off-line BuyCenters where selling RioVolt.
I found RioVolt was ranked as #1 Digital Music Player in Akihabara
in Tokyo.
2. Those customers other than US/Canada, Japan and EU countries :
You can buy iRiver iMP-Series. However, it is physically very difficult
to serve you directly. Because of Courier Service and tax, packing,
power adaptors and so on... We will setup
additional Sales Links to serve you later on.
Therefore, if you want to buy iMP-Series, direct shipment to non-RioVolt
area will have MOQ, Minimum Order Quantity, at least 20 units per Order.
Otherwise, the Courier charge and tax will make you very unhappy. Please
gather more demand and make
at least 20 units per order. I will respond "Proforma Invoice" according
to your P/O and serve you directly.
We will launch more good products continually. If you have any advices
for us to make good products, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be very happy to hear from you.
Sincerely yours,
Brian S. Park
Mailto <a href="mailto:cs@iriver.com" target="_new">cs@iriver.com</a>
我得到的回覆是中文版已經可以出貨, 他們也給我韓國的銀行公司帳號和總額.
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To the most valuable Customers:
Thanks for your interest in our products.
We are building overseas sales channels (iRiver Brand Name) right
now. We are NOT selling our products only. We sell our service
and customers' satisfaction to serve you well and let you utilize
our iMPs well. Therefore, it will take some time. We
will let you know through our homepage when it is ready.
Visit : http://www.iriver.com (Choose English above the page)
What we are going to do:
1. Sales Channels to approach you closely.
2. Technical Center
3. iMP Community where you can share information and advise to
iRiver directly.
To purchase our iMP-Series outside Korea, please follow the below
1. RioVolt Series(from SonicBlue) are all ODM products from iRiver.
So, you can enjoy the same pleasure and quality from RioVolt Series.
Especially in US/Canada, Japan and EU, please visit RioVolt BuyCenter
to get the brand-new RioVolt. It will be
more economic and convenient for you NOW.
Visit : http://www.riohome.com
There are on-line and off-line BuyCenters where selling RioVolt.
I found RioVolt was ranked as #1 Digital Music Player in Akihabara
in Tokyo.
2. Those customers other than US/Canada, Japan and EU countries :
You can buy iRiver iMP-Series. However, it is physically very difficult
to serve you directly. Because of Courier Service and tax, packing,
power adaptors and so on... We will setup
additional Sales Links to serve you later on.
Therefore, if you want to buy iMP-Series, direct shipment to non-RioVolt
area will have MOQ, Minimum Order Quantity, at least 20 units per Order.
Otherwise, the Courier charge and tax will make you very unhappy. Please
gather more demand and make
at least 20 units per order. I will respond "Proforma Invoice" according
to your P/O and serve you directly.
We will launch more good products continually. If you have any advices
for us to make good products, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be very happy to hear from you.
Sincerely yours,
Brian S. Park
Mailto <a href="mailto:cs@iriver.com" target="_new">cs@iriver.com</a>
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
我得到的回覆是中文版已經可以出貨, 他們也給我韓國的銀行公司帳號和總額.
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To the most valuable Customers:
Thanks for your interest in our products.
We are building overseas sales channels (iRiver Brand Name) right
now. We are NOT selling our products only. We sell our service
and customers' satisfaction to serve you well and let you utilize
our iMPs well. Therefore, it will take some time. We
will let you know through our homepage when it is ready.
Visit : http://www.iriver.com (Choose English above the page)
What we are going to do:
1. Sales Channels to approach you closely.
2. Technical Center
3. iMP Community where you can share information and advise to
iRiver directly.
To purchase our iMP-Series outside Korea, please follow the below
1. RioVolt Series(from SonicBlue) are all ODM products from iRiver.
So, you can enjoy the same pleasure and quality from RioVolt Series.
Especially in US/Canada, Japan and EU, please visit RioVolt BuyCenter
to get the brand-new RioVolt. It will be
more economic and convenient for you NOW.
Visit : http://www.riohome.com
There are on-line and off-line BuyCenters where selling RioVolt.
I found RioVolt was ranked as #1 Digital Music Player in Akihabara
in Tokyo.
2. Those customers other than US/Canada, Japan and EU countries :
You can buy iRiver iMP-Series. However, it is physically very difficult
to serve you directly. Because of Courier Service and tax, packing,
power adaptors and so on... We will setup
additional Sales Links to serve you later on.
Therefore, if you want to buy iMP-Series, direct shipment to non-RioVolt
area will have MOQ, Minimum Order Quantity, at least 20 units per Order.
Otherwise, the Courier charge and tax will make you very unhappy. Please
gather more demand and make
at least 20 units per order. I will respond "Proforma Invoice" according
to your P/O and serve you directly.
We will launch more good products continually. If you have any advices
for us to make good products, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be very happy to hear from you.
Sincerely yours,
Brian S. Park
Mailto <a href="mailto:cs@iriver.com" target="_new">cs@iriver.com</a>
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
如果不在乎一定要中文的話, 其實是可以考慮國外網頁購物(iriver2太貴了 :~~)
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN>
如果不在乎一定要中文的話, 其實是可以考慮國外網頁購物(iriver2太貴了 :~~)
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
先前有看過這個網頁了, 不過都是Out of stock...
有在某個網頁留下e-mail了, 應該會在他們有貨時收到通知, 不過也差不多過一個多星期了, 一點消息也沒有......sign......
如果不在乎一定要中文的話, 其實是可以考慮國外網頁購物(iriver2太貴了 :~~)
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
先前有看過這個網頁了, 不過都是Out of stock...
有在某個網頁留下e-mail了, 應該會在他們有貨時收到通知, 不過也差不多過一個多星期了, 一點消息也沒有......sign......
iRiver2 銀藍兩種色系, MPWIZ賣US$225其實不算太貴, Korea售價換美金大約是US$18x, 然後加上三天快遞費用, 是差不多US$225. 至於中文版我再問問看能否把他的email公佈給大家, iRiver給我的價錢比MPWIZ的還便宜.
RioVolt2 機體黑色, 大約網路價US$15x(還沒加任何運費), 但是RioVolt2沒有LCD remote, 可另購(US$30), 但只能向SonicBlue買. 攜行袋是像行動電話的那種皮套.
SO...看個人觀點我是在美國, 不過美國這邊銀行匯款超貴, 手續加起來比MPWIZ還貴一點.(iRiver目前不收國際的信用卡)
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<font size=-1>[ 這篇文章在 2001-10-09 01:30 被 foxhsu 編輯過 ]</font><!-- Edit Notice End -->
RioVolt2 機體黑色, 大約網路價US$15x(還沒加任何運費), 但是RioVolt2沒有LCD remote, 可另購(US$30), 但只能向SonicBlue買. 攜行袋是像行動電話的那種皮套.
SO...看個人觀點我是在美國, 不過美國這邊銀行匯款超貴, 手續加起來比MPWIZ還貴一點.(iRiver目前不收國際的信用卡)
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<font size=-1>[ 這篇文章在 2001-10-09 01:30 被 foxhsu 編輯過 ]</font><!-- Edit Notice End -->
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如果不在乎一定要中文的話, 其實是可以考慮國外網頁購物(iriver2太貴了 :~~)
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
現在拿到的版本確實支援絕大多數Big-5碼中文檔名,只是有些字例如你...有問題,ID3 tag中文也不能顯示,因此我大膽假設,中文支援應該是firmware問題,而且目前flash ram的容量已經夠用。
在英文版手冊有關多語部分,後面有一句:(Separately available with each firmware version)
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<font size=-1>[ 這篇文章在 2001-10-13 23:49 被 mars2002 編輯過 ]</font><!-- Edit Notice End -->
如果不在乎一定要中文的話, 其實是可以考慮國外網頁購物(iriver2太貴了 :~~)
ex: <a href=http://music.cnet.com/electronics/resel ... t</a>的比價網頁
</FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
現在拿到的版本確實支援絕大多數Big-5碼中文檔名,只是有些字例如你...有問題,ID3 tag中文也不能顯示,因此我大膽假設,中文支援應該是firmware問題,而且目前flash ram的容量已經夠用。
在英文版手冊有關多語部分,後面有一句:(Separately available with each firmware version)
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<font size=-1>[ 這篇文章在 2001-10-13 23:49 被 mars2002 編輯過 ]</font><!-- Edit Notice End -->