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2002-02-19 06:00
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Klipsch
回覆: 130
觀看: 24155

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN> <!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN> <!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN> 其他外國品牌喇叭的"台灣價錢"都和Promedia系列一樣貴嗎? 比如AltecLansing,Midiland,Logitech...等. 當然國外產品要進口台灣, 代理商要加上額外的成本,運費,稅收,和自己的利潤, 但進口商可也是有分黑心的,沒那麼黑的,和本著良心的啊! 我若覺得某個產品被代理商削太...
2002-02-18 05:22
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Klipsch
回覆: 130
觀看: 24155

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It is pronounced..
2002-02-17 10:14
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

After changing the speaker wires to 18 gauge.........there's more details in the sound and the voice is clearer!! [b07] [b07]
Damn, I don't think I've even finished running my speakers yet.....
O yeah, by the way, how long do you guys run the Z-560s?
2002-02-16 14:26
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: 買大功率的喇叭不怕吵到鄰居嗎?
回覆: 9
觀看: 1997

hahaha.....Logitech Z-560......400W
Windows SHAKING :-.-: :-.-:
2002-02-13 22:57
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

Uh, I have 18 gauge speaker wire.....will it help? ?_?
2002-02-11 23:03
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN> Dell 現在沒有賣 Z560 了 今年年初開始就沒賣了. 不管怎麼樣 Z560 都還是 Multimedia spekaer 是沒錯 而且也是朝這方面設計的 它並不是要取代我們的 stereo or multichannel system. 不過價錢方面真的算是超值. Promedia 4.1 大多數地方賣 299.00 5.1 賣 399.00 Z560 - 199.00 聲音方面的話Promedia 4.1 聽音樂是比較舒服 可是玩 game 我認為 z560 比較好. 個人意見,聽音樂的話也不差...
2002-02-10 17:19
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

[/quote] ..Do you know you can get them for around $150 at most other stores? or you can get them for around $120 at dell.com with coupon and savings?? btw..i don't think Z560 is THAT good..it's good, no doubt.. but still..it's not like Z560 is S4-4100 reborn and become 4.1.. the sub-woofer is too s...
2002-02-09 18:17
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><FONT COLOR=GREEN> 嘿嘿~~ 就說不錯嘛 Glad to see you like them :) :D :D :D 對了,你在哪買阿? 買多少? </FONT><!-- BBCode Quote End --> eh....CompUSA.....too lazy to order online price..haha $215 (with tax)....... :-.-: :-.-: I think this speaker is worth $300 if compared to Klipsch's.
2002-02-09 15:59
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Logitech Z-560
回覆: 49
觀看: 10495

I love this speaker!!! It has such a clean crystal sound and PUMPING BASS!!!!!!! I do not regret changing my FPS 2000 now. The Subwoofer is HUGE!!!, compared to Klipsch Promedia 4.1s. I saw the two speakers right next to each other, the Z-560's subwoofer is "XL" if the Klipsch's sub is &qu...
2002-02-06 07:53
版面: 聊天打屁
主題: 跟警察伯伯飆車...然後.........
回覆: 12
觀看: 3397

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似乎使用的淋漓盡致.... :)
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The Fast and Furious? Great Movie :D :D