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2008-05-19 06:34
版面: 音效卡
主題: 請問asus xonar d2x的asio播放(foobar0.9.5)
回覆: 1
觀看: 2385

Re: 請問asus xonar d2x的asio播放(foobar0.9.5)

Not understand what you meant by1st problem, for your second problem, set Playback=> Output as 24bit fixed-point. Hope it helps.
2007-05-26 19:52
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: 對於新買的aego m左右平衡不知如何才好
回覆: 1
觀看: 2409

You didn't swap the left and right satellite speaker after exchanged the sub, right? If that's the case,it must be retailer selling dodgy speakers. Coz they should sound balanced. I would suggest get them exchanged again as they are not cheap.
2007-04-20 06:45
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: 2.1東西疑問
回覆: 1
觀看: 2116

BOSE 的價位有好多選摘,而BOSE Companion 聲音真不是那麼好
2007-03-30 16:10
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Aego M 接法?
回覆: 3
觀看: 3692

Hiya disturb mate, hope life hasn't been too bad for you lately. Me been busy and stressed at work as well. Anyway, been trying to look for hifi dual DVI cables, seems like it's mostly out of phrase already. All the retailers mainly deal with dual HDMI or HDMI to DVI sort of cables now.So I might no...
2007-03-21 04:23
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Aego M 接法?
回覆: 3
觀看: 3692


Really no one knows the answer? javascript:emoticon(':S')
2007-02-17 09:09
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: Aego M 接法?
回覆: 3
觀看: 3692

Aego M 接法?

看來用英文發表都無太多人看﹐唯有用晒D腦汁打篇中文﹐大家回先好。 基本想問誰知道 AEGO M CENTRE CHANNEL 可以怎玩?接CENTRE INPUT 又要怎接。如果大家最近有留意 AE WEB SITE﹐現在可以獨立買它的 SATELLIE 玩 3.1。 而現在我在用 X-FI EXTREMEMUSIC﹐用一個 SPLITTER 分開兩個出﹐一個入 HEADPHON AMP﹐一個入 AEGO SUB。之前有人話可以將 X-FI SET 成 5.1﹐然後將 REAR SET 成另一組 STEREO 出﹐這便無需用 SPLITTER 形响音質。有誰知道是怎 SET? 除了這個﹐又有無...
2007-01-25 08:14
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: (請益)各位高手請幫我比較621跟AEGO M
回覆: 14
觀看: 7989

Erm...the cheapest I've seen so far was £85 I think, but £ has been so expensive lately...like nearly £1 : HK$ 15.5, so how much would it be for $taiwan? To be honest, aego is not very popular here. Not many people heard of it, I can't even find any retail shops sell them here. And WhatHiFi doesnt r...
2007-01-24 06:28
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: (請益)各位高手請幫我比較621跟AEGO M
回覆: 14
觀看: 7989

Different types of speakers really...5021 is designed for games and films,a set of typical multimedia speakers for used by PC. Whereas Aego was initially designed for portable devices like ipod, and it concentrates on the performance of stereo playback. If you really wanna compare them 2...I would s...
2007-01-11 08:37
版面: 敗家天地
主題: [下聘] Dell 3007WFP
回覆: 7
觀看: 10903

Has this also got the banding problem like the 2007FTW model?
2007-01-04 06:05
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: 耳擴可以插一般的電腦喇叭嗎??
回覆: 4
觀看: 2312

Nope, but there's no point connect it to ur headfone amp.