有 5 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

2004-03-23 00:46
版面: 音效卡
主題: 用過TERRAREC DMX 6fire 24/96的網友,請發表使用後感想?
回覆: 6
觀看: 2142

so far didn't have any of the problem you have mentioned, used for nearly a year.

Superb definition and soundstage, MUST BUY ~
2004-03-03 20:34
版面: 音效卡
主題: Gamesurround Fortissimo II测试,比1024好
回覆: 52
觀看: 10569

can WPS123 reply me ?
2004-02-26 14:37
版面: 音效卡
主題: Gamesurround Fortissimo II测试,比1024好
回覆: 52
觀看: 10569

HK那?ㄕ?蘋靰齒W的论??有部分人很盲目崇拜Envy24系列的解释度,连Envy24的功能用途还不清楚就直说好,买来只为听歌。 :lol: 是嗎,,,,原來你在epc 講不過人就來這裡混,,,如果cs4624真的比envy24強,,,你題目為什麼不改成gf2測試比dmx6 fire 好呢???我就是為了dmx6 的音質才推envy24,,那有什麼不可以,,,加上我覺得1700港幣一張soundcard 不太貴,,,你買不起dmx6 也不應在香港論壇說到cs 4624可以打倒dmx6 fire吧 首先你是我??过人品最差的香港人,其次原谅你瞎眼没看我在这里文章的?Y表日期是什么时候。我不?諝...
2004-02-24 17:35
版面: 音效卡
主題: Gamesurround Fortissimo II测试,比1024好
回覆: 52
觀看: 10569

the graph provided is so familiar with this one
2004-02-01 16:24
版面: 電腦喇叭
主題: I have bought M-Audio LX4 ~
回覆: 0
觀看: 386

I have bought M-Audio LX4 ~

some thought after running in for 2 days ONLY now the soundstage of the LX4 is much wider sound is more neutral and the mids are softer now, and more pronounced, the vocal is more in front in the soundstage the subwoofer is quite a bit different from multimedia sub b4 using the Klipsch Promeida 2.1,...